My Story
Born and raised on Detroit's Upper East Side, the son of 3 generations of Union Plumbers, Rod “Doc” Walbecq, Founder of Utopic Essential Nutrients learned early on, the importance of hard work, being honest and living life with discipline and integrity. Also raised by his mother who grew up in object poverty, was a constant reminder of living life with humility and graciousness and with a spirit of generosity and kindness to all!
After graduating High School, Rod knew he needed to do something to change the trajectory of his life which led him to serving his country in The United States Navy. The way in which he joined allowed him the chance to see all the careers the Navy had to offer, and for him, there was only one that made perfect sense to him, A Navy Hospital Corpsman! For nearly a decade Hospital Corpsman Second Class Petty Officer Rodney L. Walbecq cared for his sick and injured shipmates by land and by sea and considered his duties an honor, a privilege and a sacred trust. During his last 3 years of his Navy career he was bestowed the honor of Navy Instructor where he put his heart, mind and soul into teaching and inspiring new Navy Hospital Corpsman who found themselves on the front lines of Desert Storm, caring for their beloved Marines. A small piece of Rod “Doc” Walbecq went with each and every one of them.
After serving 10 years, Rod found himself at a new crossroads which led him back to civilian life where he became a Medicaid Worker in his local community, helping others, just as that same community had helped his mother in her childhood so many years before.
Fast forward 25 years, Rod began growing cannabis to help alleviate the symptoms of his wife’s disabling medical conditions. Seeing how much it helped her, Rod realized how many more people he could help make better medicine, including his fellow veterans.
It was all of this that has inspired Rod “Doc” Walbecq to be a part of providing one of the cleanest most versatile cannabis fertilizer on the market today.
From rebellious kid, to Navy Hospital Corpsman, to Medicaid Worker, to Cannabis Entrepreneur…Rod’s life has been and always will, be devoted to helping others!
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
(248) 533-6826